Today I'm enjoying a lovely beer. Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat.
A nice light and crisply refreshing ale with a delicious hint of ripe cherries.
We bought the beer at the Total Wine store in Viera for a pretty reasonable price.
... Talking to myself
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I've decided to keep a little beer diary here on my trusty little Google blog.
I love beer. In the last couple of years I have been drinking different kinds of beers testing and treating. Yum. Beer.
Anyway... today I am testing out a beer that I bought at ABC from their growler program. I like this idea... keg beer... on tap... in a 32 oz. Reusable bottle.
So.... today's beer is from Engine 15 called 15 Nut Sack imperial brown ale.
This beer is pretty good. Its a nice dark beer, not too hoppy. I'm not much of a fan of the sharpness of IPAs.
This beer is thick, smooth and dark... sort of like Neil Degrass Tyson being rolled around in my mouth.
Time for another glass...