I've still been having some cooky dreams... I love my dreams.
This morning around 1 am I wake up to my husband, Dave, laughing really loud all the way at the other end of the house. I go check it out and he's just watching RoboDoc. I was kinda mad... I love sleep... and he just disturbed it. Grrr.
I wander back to bed and awake a little while later to this gem of a dream....
Dave had finally come to be and I could hear my daughter Shampagne making noises down the hallway... I couldn't understand her... she told me to leave her alone and mumbled some other stuff... I go to check on her to make sure everything is ok and I step out into the hallway... as soon as I do my whole body goes numb and I can see that some dark shadow is holding me up. I look up and Shampagne is stumbling down the hall gasping for breath... an intruder had cut her throat and now he had a hold of me and I was paralyzed.... I woke up...
I didn't dare get out of bed and go check on things... I went back to sleep...
Then briefly I remember living in a condo by the sea... the kids were all grown and gone... I was baby sitting the cutest little dog that belonged to Rober Downey Jr. The I walk over to the sliding glass doors that face the ocean and admire the beauty. As I watch it the waves start to get closer and closer to the back porch. Suddenly the water level just rose and flooded the whole kitchen and living room downstairs. For some crazy reason we had a shower drain in the middle of the kitchen floor and most of the water had drained away. We started to squeegee all the water back outside.
Later when the alarm went off, I hit the snooze button... ugh... I don't want to wake up...
That's when I had this little dream... sort of made me laugh....
I was at work. Kat and I were working away and in comes our co-worker Dan. Dan is a saleman and he needs a revision on some art. He walks over and says.... "Hey what's new?" I say "I had a nightmare, It was pretty funny" Then he says "I need this red to be more of a neon color." I just looked at him and said... "we can't make neon, no neon. Kat?" She says "Nope we can't make it look more neon. There is no RGB color for neon red." I look at Dan and say "Nope. No RGB neon red."
That was it.
I think I may have forgotten bits and pieces... but that is the jist of it all...
Now for some coffee...
Hehehehe...makes you wonder if somebody slipped you something in your drink the night before sometimes...hahaha